Rochester Regional Joint Board Hosts Pulitzer Prize Winning Author David Cay Johnston

On Saturday, April 28, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, David Cay Johnston, gave a talk at the Rochester Regional Joint Board Union Building. Johnston covered topics included in his recently published book, “It’s Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration is Doing to America”. The talk was sponsored by the Education Committee, Rochester Labor Council, AFL-CIO; the Cornell-ILR Extension Labor Program; and the Pettengill Labor Education Fund.

Sidney Hillman Health Center, RRJB, and Members Raise over $8,407

On Saturday, April 14 the Sidney Hillman Health Center, Rochester Regional Joint Board, and our members raised over $3,407 for the American Heart Association Heart Walk and Run, crushing last years total! With our corporate donation, the total raised was over $8,407. Even with the cold, wet, and windy weather, many of our members came out to participate and support the drive. Congrats everyone! Here’s video of some of the day’s activities: