We Organize Workers

See below to learn about some of our recent campaigns.

In December of 2021, Buffalo Starbucks workers took the labor movement by storm when they began organizing the first Starbucks union in the country. Workers prevailed through an unprecedented anti-union campaign to ultimately win their union. We are proud to support and stand by Starbucks workers as they fight for a contract they deserve.

Workers in Burlington Vermont formed Scoopers United to fight for a voice on the job and better working conditions. This campaign has been incredibly important because Ben & Jerry’s became the first multinational corporation to sign the Fair Election Principles, a set of principles to ensure a fair union election, and respect their workers right to organize a union.

Citizen Action of New York is a grassroots membership organization taking on big issues that are at the center of transforming society, and one of those issues is workplace democracy.  Citizen Action workers organized with RRJB and won a historic contract, including a generous benefits and PTO package. 

Workers at the Lexington Coop, at both the Hertel and Lexington Coop locations, organized with RRJB. Workers recently bargained their first contract and won huge victories, including wage increases and just cause provisions. Workers are helping the Lexington Coop live up to its values by making it not only a sustainable source of food for our community, but also a sustainable place for people to work. 

Workers at the popular Elmwood Tacos & Subs Restaurant (ETS) are organizing a union! They are fighting to make ETS a better place for both workers and customers. ETS workers are eagerly awaiting their union election. They were inspired to join the labor movement by the wave of service workers organizing in Buffalo, including Remedy House Workers, Starbucks Workers, Lexington Coop workers, and more!