Spectrum News Covers Babbitt Bearings Strike

Read the article: https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/central-ny/human-interest/2020/08/14/babbitt-bearings-strike-?cid=share_clip Photos by Erin Young, WUUNY/RRJB Business Agent

Biden’s union push could force showdown with Elon Musk

Read article on Axios: https://www.axios.com/biden-elon-musk-unions-582e5ea6-7e38-4357-974e-a20103c0366d.html What they’re saying: “What Biden is suggesting is that you finally have some teeth in U.S. labor laws,” said Richard Bensinger, a former national organizing director of the AFL-CIO. “By holding Musk personally accountable it might deter Musk from his usual union busting. The current law has no penalties, only remedies and no individual liability,” said Bensinger, who was also a former organizing director of the United Auto Workers. “This will make a big difference in organizing places like Tesla because it will take these owners and hold them accountable for fighting the right of American workers to organize a union.”